Introducing a simple, minimalist, and accessible resume template by Enji Kusnadi. This template is designed to provide a clean and professional look for your resume, ensuring that your information is presented clearly and effectively.
About the Template
Feel free to use this template if it suits your needs. It offers a variety of features to help you create a polished and visually appealing resume.
- Dark Document Styles ✨
- Auto Layouts
- Components (typography, buttons, titles, etc.)
- Button Variants (Website, LinkedIn, Figma, and GitHub)
- Label Variants and Underline Indicators (25%, 50%, 75%, 100% width)
- Beautiful Link Effects and Icons
- Mesh Gradient Header
Upcoming Improvements
- Ability to choose header content layout (e.g., left/centered)
- Additional button variants (Dribbble, Instagram, etc.)